Thursday, April 21, 2011

Great Mustaches

As an addition to the previous post, the following.
While Burt Reynolds and Tom Selleck never went out of style for some of us, I realize that that the rising generation needs new role models and men whom they can idolize.

The following are men who have boldly borne the banner of the 'stache. In no particular order.
(Mustaches were selected for their aesthetic beauty as well as the notoriety of the face on which it appears. They were also selected because of the difficulty in growing and adversity which the owner of the prospective upper lip faces in his field of employment. Also for their appropriateness. Sometimes they are just appropriate and sometimes just freaking awesome).

Matthew McConaughey - While I do not respect the man or his movies, there is no denying that he is in more chick flicks than any man alive. My guess is there is a reason for that. Even so, the walrus on his face is magnificent and an inspiration to us all.

Robert Downey Jr. - After returning to society from rehab this man's career absolutely exploded. One reason for the change... he grew from his mistakes, became a man, and started growing facial hair. If he can do it you can. Man up and grow one.

Anchorman Ron Burgundy - This movie appeared at the time when we needed it most. Ron Burgundy showed us that the man who delivers us the news is no man at all with out a mustache. People know him. He has many leather bound books. His office smells of rich mahogany. You can have this too.

David Beckham - No one has had as many hairstyles as David Beckham, and through it all facial hair has been a constant part. Even after these radical styles, I'm told he is still one of the "sexiest" men alive. And hey, if a mustache is good enough to get Posh Spice all for yourself, what have you got to loose.

Hulk Hogan - A relic from the days of Selleck and Reynolds, Terry Bollea, aka Hulk Hogan, made a return to the lime light in recent times. Some appearances with the WWE and some lame reality shows to his name have reminded us of Hulkamania. His 'stache can be summed up in one word brother. Amazing.

James Franco - Despite many flaws, I included Mr. Franco because I like him as an actor. He can't really be blamed for how bad the SpiderMan series really was. For our purpose he gives hope to the men who grow spotty facial hair and scraggly mustaches. Even scraggly 'staches can look good.

Christian Bale - Batman. Chicks dig it. Enough said.

Derrick Rose - To show I'm not racist, here is the likely NBA 2010/2011 MVP. Race plays no part in mustache acceptability.

Johnny Depp - I don't particularly find him attractive but then I'm not a girl. I can't, however, fault the man for much. He's made boatloads of money recently, in spite of make "Benny and June". One reason for such success, like Mr. Downey, the trademark mustache.

Colin Farrell - Can you really argue that the man just looks good. Admittedly he should ditch the earrings, as all men should, but this scruffy-looking tough guy makes mustaches good. Just watch one of his movies.

Hey Jude Lawstache. No more remains to be said.

Last and perhaps greatest:
Rod Kimble - Stuntman

"All great men have mustaches!" - Rod Kimble

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