Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Reality of the Mustache

The mustache has been weighing heavily on my mind for quite some time now. It is no secret that I enjoy growing one and displaying it for all to see. I can even tell you why I enjoy it. One reason, and I'm sure you have inferred this already, is that I like to see people's reactions. However, this conceited and vain reason is in the extremely small minority. I genuinely like how mustaches look. Especially my own! (It makes a legendary combo when I grow a mullet, but that is a topic for another time). The only other condition that plays into my growing a mustache is that I do not like shaving. This is nearly immaterial since I do not grow a full beard, but do, in fact, shave in order to have a mustache.

I do not know where my love affair for the mustache came from. I do not remember watching Tom Selleck in Magnum P.I. or any of Burt Reynolds movies so it can't have been from celebrity influence. My only thought is that it has come from growing up with a father who has sported one his whole life. In my whole life, I think that I have seen his bare upper lip a grand total of 2 times. Hes a good man, my da, and I don't think there is anyone better to model my life after. I think that this must be the reason I have grown attached to the mustache.

However, my attachment to the mustache does not seem to be shared by many. It seems that the circumstances making the growing of mustaches acceptable have become extremely stringent in the last 20 years, but why? I have been asking around and it would appear that the vast majority of those of us who have parents who grew up in the 50's, 60's, and even 70's, all grew up with fathers, uncles, grandfathers, brothers, and, in not so rare as you would hope cases, aunts with mustaches. So why then have they become socially unacceptable? Can it really be that at a certain age a mustache goes from rapist to refined? No there isn't. Because three months of the year Mustache May or Mustache March or Movember it is acceptable for all men to grow a mustache. And every year, when those months roll around, thousands of men answer the call ... but only for the month.

I issue the call for all men to unite, and grow your mustaches with pride at any time of year! Shrug off the stereotypes and become men once more!

Just some suggestions.