Saturday, February 18, 2012

Mustache Vids

I hate living in a world where hipsters and pedophiles are who people think of when mustaches are brought up. Here are some videos of the people who are neither of those (as far as we legally know) who are helping us bring the mustache back into favor.

First off is Mattstache doing a pretty awesome lip-sync of a so-so song 

Next is actually a Heineken commercial but it does have a great point.

Even Elmo likes mustaches (doesn't really help the not pedophile point I'm trying to make, but we can't let the pedos win!!)

And of course, one of my personal favorites, The Edge of U2. He hasn't always sported just the stache but always a facial hair supporter with a prominent upper lip cover. Pay close attention to the video, not only is he amazing on the guitar but he has an amazing voice, I'm sure you've heard it before, you just haven't recognized it before

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


On a more serious note, 1 in 6 men will live to have Prostate Cancer. If you are a man that could be you, and the older you get the more guarantee it will be. Movember is a movement to raise awareness and funds for Prostate Cancer and a cure.
Help any way you can.
Visit Movember USA to become a Mo Bro or a Mo Sista

Great Mustaches in History

Credit given were credit is due, but never lose sight that one day you could be a part of this rap. Inspiring!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Mr. Stache

This is perhaps the best short video ever. It is the whole truth, up until about the 6 minute mark and then it only becomes part truth. I loved it.